In the business world, disputes do arise, and when value is questioned, The Valuation Group, Inc. is uniquely positioned to assists our clients.

Our only concern is valuation. We are very involved in valuing closely held stock; valuing shareholder interests subjected to discounts for non-marketability, minority status, blockage, control, or other factors.

Our area of expertise is valuation. We perform valuations in different markets, countries, continents, or for different reasons, but the bottom line is that all we do is valuation related work. Period. We are focused and have accumulated knowledge and stay current on one theme: valuation.

Our hard-hitting reports, featuring a no nonsense approach to finance have been used in US Tax Courts, before US Congressional Committees, at impasse hearings, in district, appellate, and federal courts, in arbitration and mediation, and by international lending agencies and foreign governments.

An avocation for exactness and our respect for statistical analysis have led to a high demand from Special Masters, municipal and state governments, as well as professional associations, for our services.

Manifest in our reports is the ability to enliven dull statistics by presenting data in creative ways ends by using dynamic graphics replete with color and animation. Our executive summaries present salient facts and key statistics in pertinent, yet dramatic fashion.

The Valuation Group, Inc. is poised to assist you in all your valuation needs. We can fashion a tailor-made study that will present your case before the right audience in the most dramatic and convincing fashion.